Gaby Cook hosts a limited run of solo jazz tasters for lindy hoppers who want to up their solo game

Each evening is unique and focuses on a different topic

ONLY 3 Wednesdays: January 30, February 6, February 13
8-10pm at Pearl Studios 519 8th ave

Each evening is composed of two separate tasters, each addressing the same topic. These classes can be taken independent of each other — but is recommended back to back.

8pm: Fundamentals & Drills
9pm: Learn a choreography with news skills and steps



Basic Info
Pearl Studios, 519 8th ave — 12th fl
8 – 10pm on Wednesdays (2 classes / evening)
Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13

Jan 30: Rhythm
– Let’s start with the important stuff: rhythm. These two workshops will give students a rhythm tool kit to shape and bend their movements. Basic steps become bold and exciting when rhythm, variations and phrasing are mixed in.

Feb 6: Isolations
– Boogie forward, shorty george, fishtails. What do they all have in common? Isolation of one part of the body. This evening, we will focus on isolating different parts of the body and drill unique movement exercises.

Feb 13: Powaaaahhh
– This final taster is going to be about the energy in your body. How do we fuel our movements? How do we ground ourselves while dancing? Where’s the line between muscular strength and follow through? This class will improve the power you put behind your steps to make you a more dynamic dancer.


$20/class at the door
$15/class with N&G class card